Monday, August 23, 2004

I've had it with Radio

This is my second post here, but it's really my first "official" post with this as my new website. I've had it with Radio's erratic posting, picture uploading problems, crappy support, lack of Help files, and general lack of innovation. Even with their new innovation czar, it became apparent to me that they were going to work on things that I really don't care about. A better news aggregator? I've already moved all my feeds into Bloglines, and I think they're going to spend most of their time playing catch up before I see anything worthwhile that I don't already have. Better CSS and templates? I like eye-candy as much as the next guy, but give me a break! My problems with Radio have to do with dependability, robustness, and generally not being able to understand what the hell it's doing. Oh yeah, and the fact that Mozilla support is just about zero. Everytime I fire up Radio it asks me for my default browser location. I don't have context menu support for blogging and in general it is just a pain in the ass to use under Firefox.

Despite the advantages of the "desktop" mini-server that was Radio, I found it impossible to become a power user, because it was built around proprietary technology, in a language I didn't know, and relied on metaphors that I didn't think were spelled out well enough for novices to accomplish anything.

Anyway, enough ranting. Time to start downloading the Firefox Blogger extensions and get blogging again. Expect me to be more active in the weeks to come.


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