Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Joi Ito's Web: Shinkuro

It's about time Joi Ito finally jumps on my bandwagon. I've been talking about Shinkuro for a long time now to anyone who would listen (see this post from the Shinkuro v1 days).

While there are some shortcomings (mainly that there is no API for programmatic interaction to build apps on top of it, Shinkuro IDs are tied to machine for security reasons, and file sharing large libraries of files can be cumbersome) it has a lot of promise, especially for ad-hoc project collaboration. Oh yeah, and Jeff Kay (the lead developer) is just a swell guy with some really sharp insights.

I've said it before and I'll say it this app.

Update: I just installed the latest version and it looks like they have "Key Escrow" abilities so you can get your encryption keys off the relay in case of hardware failure replacement. One more reason not to use this app has been done away with. Resistance is futile.

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